
Judge Sides With Home Depot After Company Banned Employees From Wearing BLM

Home Depot stood up against the left and refused to go woke. And guess what? It worked. 

A judge sided with Home Depot after the home improvement company banned its employees from wearing Black Lives Matter logos.

Administrative law judge Paul Bogas ruled that the complaint raised by the U.S. National Labor Relations Board's (NLRB) general counsel did not have enough legal grounds to advance in court. 

The complaint came last year after the NLRB accused Home Depot of "selectively and disparately” enforcing workers a dress code that targeted BLM. 

Bogas deemed that wearing BLM gear at work would politicize the work place. A place where people go to buy wood and paint, not to be taunted by woke, liberal employees about donating to the BLM founder’s multi-million dollar house fund. 

In a statement, Bogas said that wearing BLM imagery does not have “an objective, and sufficiently direct, relationship to terms and conditions of employment,” adding “to the extent the message is being used for reasons beyond that, it operates as a political umbrella for societal concerns and relates to the workplace only in the sense that workplaces are part of society.”

As soon as the complaint against Home Depot was filed, the company issued a statement to defend their decision saying “We disagree with the characterization of this situation and look forward to sharing the facts during the NLRB's process. Regardless of the outcome, we will continue to be fully committed to diversity and respect for all people," adding "the Home Depot does not tolerate workplace harassment of any kind and takes all reports of discrimination or harassment seriously, as we did in this case."