
Even Democrats Are Fed Up With Biden's Gas Policies That Are Eating At American's Wallets

Americans are getting fed up with President Joe Biden’s handling of the country, even Democrats are throwing their hands up. 

Democrat Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) says it’s frustrating that Biden hasn’t supported the push to temporarily halt federal gas tax. 

In an interview on Fox News, Hassan said the Biden administration should be doing everything they can to help alleviate the sky high prices for consumers at the pump. 

“What I’ve been pushing for is, among other things, is suspending the gas tax. That helps put some more money back in people’s pockets. I’m pushing the administration to support that. They haven’t yet and that’s frustrating,” Hassan said. 

Hassan teamed up with fellow Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) to create a bill titled the Gas Prices Relief Act, that would put a hold on the 8.4-cents-per-gallon federal tax through the rest of the year and that calls for the Treasury Department to make sure the savings are passed on to consumers rather than the oil and gas companies. 

The senator also pushed the need to “stand up to big oil.” Hassan said she has been asking the FTC to “investigate whether there is a market manipulation or price gouging going on,” adding “because when you look at this, big oil’s got record profits, but they keep increasing the price of gasoline anyway while they have extra capacity that they could tap but they choose not to.”

Hassan said she and the Biden administration have failed to see eye to eye on measures to lower fuel prices saying that she has taken on members of her party to "push a gas tax holiday, and I am pushing Joe Biden to release more of our oil reserves. That’s how we lower costs and get through these times."