
Ex-Media Matters Employee: There Was a Sexual Predator Creeping Around That Office

Does every lefty outlet employ sexual predators? I thought the Lincoln Project was peak creepiness, having a co-founder who was very inappropriate with young men. Then, the endless stories of teachers being totally weird with their students. I’m not talking high school. I’m talking pre-teens, even kindergartners. I don’t need to go into details about that. To make matters worse, we have school districts, like the one in Loudoun County, Virginia, who pretty much covered up a sexual assault because the perpetrator was reportedly gender-fluid. It’s a dumpster fire. Now, the Left’s main media bias watchdog, Media Matters, is facing an allegation that they employed a sexual predator. It was made by a now-ex-employee. 

Tim Johnson took to Twitter and posted a lengthy thread about his time at Media Matters for America. He’s not sorry for sharing this story, though he doesn’t name the former employee other than he resigned suddenly and he now knows why.

“This man suddenly resigned. And to my shame, I went out with him after work that day and we all got really drunk. He told me a sob story, I bought it, and the night ended with him being carried up to his apartment,” he wrote.

“Not too long later, I learned the truth of why he ‘resigned.’ He was dismissed because of his sexual misconduct. But only after years of people in authority positions knowing about what he was doing.”

Oh, and to make things worse, this person was reportedly still allowed to enter the office:

He apparently was still allowed to come into the office (to participate in a poker game). I ran into him on the street, just outside the office, a month or two later after I learned this. He gave me a friendly hello.I didn’t reciprocate. I hope (I am no stranger to beating the fuck out of a predator) that I put the fear of god into him. The smirk on his face didn’t last long. I heard he didn’t come back to the office after that. I never saw him again, I hope he never did come by again.

I’m not going to dwell too much on this. I don’t really care about MMFA, but these are the folks who are supposedly the Knights Templar when it comes to defending women. They’re insufferably self-righteous when it comes to ‘Me Too.’ That took a massive hit when all the powerful liberals who run Hollywood and the media were ensnared in sexual misconduct fiascos—and that war cry got muffled. Liberals’ moral superiority complex will always lead to them crashing into the wall. Yes, there are scores of liberal men who are predators. In fact, there’s more of an incentive for liberal men to be creeps since they have an umbrella of protection from their friends in high places and the media. Whatever the case, don’t expect accountability here. We all know that ship sailed a LONG time ago.