
Crisis: US Border Officials Apprehend Numerous Convicted Felons, Unknown Number Arrive Among 'Got-Aways'

A federal judge has delayed the Biden administration's planned cancellation of "Title 42," a move that was expected to turbo-charge a border crisis that was already historically disastrous. But said crisis has further accelerated nonetheless. April witnessed a worst-in-a-century, record-shattering influx at the Southern border, with nearly 235,000 encounters – not counting tens of thousands of known got-aways. We'll get the May figures in the coming days, but multiple indicators still appear to be pointing in the wrong direction

One snapshot, from a single border sector, on the final day of last month: 

It's often worthwhile to note when discussing the border crisis that the vast majority of illegal immigrants entering the country are simply trying to improve their lives. They're not dangerous or violent. That doesn't mean they have a right to be here – they don't, with the exception of genuine (not bogus) asylum seekers – but there's no need to demonize them. Aside from Americans who hate this country, who wouldn't want to be in America, especially compared to countries with far fewer opportunities? Also, these people are only reacting to the perverse incentives being offered by the Biden administration, who are the primary culprits in all of this. There are national sovereignty and resources issues at stake: 

But there are also dangerous and violent people who wish to enter the country illegally. It's wrong to ignore the national security and public safety component of this mess. We know that criminals, cartel members, traffickers, and others are more likely to try to evade capture, for obvious reasons. They are, therefore, very likely to be disproportionately overrepresented in the known and unknown "got-away" categories. Here is a recent round-up of those who US officials have thankfully been able to apprehend: 

Unserious people respond to such data points with comments like, "This disproves the idea that the border is not secure, because we're interdicting these people and materials." But it's a certainty that many others are making it through because America lacks clear, competent operational control over its southern boundary. That's the point. The Secretary of Homeland Security, who has actively contributed to the crisis with terrible policies, recently went through the motions of admonishing people not to enter the United States illegally: 

They're not listening, and why should they? Actions speak much louder than empty words. That was in late May. During the prior month, more than half of the illegal migrants who were encountered were released into the US (again not counting all of the tens of thousands of known got-aways). Less than half were turned away, the overwhelming majority of which were expelled under Title 42, which Biden is fighting in court to end. The president is nearly 25 points underwater on the issue of immigration.  If the issue were receiving virtually any national media attention, beyond the usual suspects, those terrible numbers would probably be even worse -- and the issue would be a higher priority for more people.