
Here's the One Word the FBI Doesn’t Seem to Know Anymore

You’ve got to be kidding me. Someone should at least get a slap on the wrist, right? A written reprimand—anything? There’s no reduction in rank or pay? The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been in what seems to be an endless cycle of bad press for the better part of the last five years. The Russian collusion fiasco has damaged the bureau. The inability of this institution, our preeminent law enforcement and domestic intelligence agency, to do anything right is pervasive. The Russia hoax was the least of it. The FBI had their own kidnapping plot against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer blow up in their faces when a grand jury failed to indict any of the alleged conspirators. The damage was done—this fake plot was weaponized by Democrats and the press during the 2020 election. Almost as if the FBI wanted this story to be used this way. 

Amid the FBI’s obsession to clip Donald Trump, we have Larry Nassar who got away with sexually assaulting countless young women. The FBI was told. They ignored it, and then lied about the process to cover up their incompetence. And the Department of Justice won’t charge these bumbling agents who ignored countless allegations of sexual abuse, some of which came from Olympic champions, like Simone Biles and McKayla Maroney (via WSJ):

The Justice Department said Thursday it is standing by an earlier decision not to charge the FBI agents who disregarded Olympic gymnasts’ allegations that former national team doctor Larry Nassar sexually assaulted them and later made false statements to cover their mistakes

Officials said in October that they would review their decision not to prosecute the agents. The monthslong inquiry analyzed evidence and the outcome “reflects the recommendation of experienced prosecutors,” the department said in a written statement.

“This does not in any way reflect a view that the investigation of Nassar was handled as it should have been, nor in any way reflects approval or disregard of the conduct of the former agents,” it added.

Victims had been furious over the decision not to prosecute Jay Abbott and Michael Langeman, the two agents at the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Indianapolis field office, whose actions in 2015 and 2016 drew the most blame in a July report by the Justice Department’s inspector general.

Senators had also criticized the lack of a prosecution during a hearing last year where they heard wrenching testimony from four of the star gymnasts initially identified as potential victims of the doctor: Simone Biles, McKayla Maroney, Maggie Nichols and Aly Raisman.

Mr. Abbott, then the special agent in charge of the office, has retired. The FBI last year fired Mr. Langeman, then a supervisory special agent, in the wake of the inspector general’s report that concluded that the men hadn’t taken seriously the complaint brought to them by USA Gymnastics officials in late July 2015.

There’s all this gobbledygook about whether this was a federal crime or a state matter—but we all know these clowns didn’t care. They were too busy focusing on manufacturing evidence against Donald Trump, at least that’s my theory. These guys doctored evidence to secure FISA spy warrants against Carter Page, a former Trump campaign official. Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, a former counterintelligence agent who was fired in disgrace, became the faces of the bias and corruption that had infested the FBI. Strzok was one of the key people who signed off on the Russian collusion probe that was later taken over by Robert Mueller and the spy operation against Trump’s campaign via Crossfire Hurricane. Maybe that's why when FBI Director Chris Wray testified before Congress about how the Nassar case was bungled, he could offer no real explanation. 

They couldn’t declare that a Bernie Sanders supporter who opened fire on the GOP congressional baseball team was politically motivated. The man hated Republicans, had a hit list and scoped out the area where they were to practice for days. This is called domestic terrorism. Then, in January, there was that synagogue hostage situation in Colleyville, Texas, where Malik Akram took four people hostage. Anti-Semitism was one of the motives, but the FBI downplayed it initially. Synagogues are not often targeted unless someone hates Jewish people. It’s not that hard. It’s been this way since the dawn of man. Incompetence and political bias reek out of the J. Edgar Hoover Building, which has lost the meaning of a keyword in all of this: accountability.