
'Out of Context': Biden's Minister of Truth Breaks Silence After Resigning from DHS

Nina Jankowicz spoke with MSNBC on Wednesday in her first interview since she resigned as director of the Department of Homeland Security's Disinformation Governance Board following intense criticisms of her previous comments and the Board's mission.

Jankowicz dismissed topics such as Hunter Biden's laptop as Russian disinformation in the past and has been outspoken in her support for Democratic candidates and liberal journalists.

"I have prided myself over my career of being a really nuanced, reasonable person … To say that I am just a partisan actor was wildly out of context," she told MSNBC's Chris Hayes.

Jankowicz defended the Disinformation Governance Board's mission, explaining the group was simply "a coordinating mechanism. It was meant to make sure that the very large agency, that is the Department of Homeland Security, that people were talking to each other within it."

Jankowicz further revealed she received many death threats after announcing she had joined the board.

"Over the last three weeks I have — maybe had one or two days I didn’t report a violent threat, something like we’re coming for you and your family, you and your family should be sent to Russia to be killed, encouragement of me to commit suicide. All of those have been forwarded to the Department of Homeland Security services. And, you know, that’s — that’s not something that is American. That is not how we should be acting when we have disagreements about policy in this country," she said. "I think we need to learn how to be adults in the room, and I don’t have time for that childishness. I’m not going to let it silence me. I’m going to go forward and — and continue building awareness about this threat in the future."

For now, the Disinformation Governance Board is "paused" with the Biden White House claiming it is due to outside forces spreading disinformation about it.