
As Voters Head to the Polls in Pennsylvania, Leading Democratic Senate Candidate Is Getting a Pacemaker

Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman will have surgery on Tuesday—the day voters head to the polls—to receive a pacemaker, his campaign said in a statement. The announcement comes after the Democratic Senate candidate said Sunday he was recovering from a stroke that “was caused by a clot from my heart being in an A-fib rhythm for too long." 

According to his doctors, he suffered no cognitive damage and is expected to make a full recovery.

“John Fetterman is about to undergo a standard procedure to implant a pacemaker with a defibrillator,” the Tuesday statement said. “It should be a short procedure that will help protect his heart and address the underlying cause of his stroke, atrial fibrillation (A-fib), by regulating his heart rate and rhythm.”

There is less suspense in the Democratic primary than the GOP one, as Fetterman has maintained a sizable lead in polling over his main opponent, Rep. Conor Lamb.