
It Looks Like Progressive San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin Is in Political Trouble

Crime rates are up in major cities across the U.S., but in San Francisco, it's become a living nightmare for most residents and business owners. Many are taking matters into their own hands, with stores boarding up their windows and installing steel gates, for example, to protect themselves and their property. While vandalism and theft are rampant, homicides and assault are up too, according to the San Francisco Police Department's crime dashboard

Voters have had enough and are placing much of the blame on ultra progressive DA Chesa Boudin, who's facing a recall election on June 7. 

"A lot of voters who voted for him actually felt duped, felt like it was a bait and switch," said Recall Chesa Boudin Committee spokesman Richie Greenberg, according to Fox News

While Boudin ran as an outspoken progressive, "he never told the voters that he was going to protect drug dealers," Greenberg continued. "He never told anyone … that he was going to simply let virtually anyone that was arrested with egregious crime out." 

While Republicans have helped fund the recall effort, including billionaire William Oberndorf, Greenberg claimed it's "hogwash" to argue the recall effort is Republican in nature. 

"Here in San Francisco, there are so few Republicans compared to Independents and Democrats," he noted. 

According to a survey published by Recall Chesa Boudin last month, 68 percent of voters are ready to get him out of office, which includes widespread support (64 percent) from registered Democrats. 

Survey results indicate that voters are familiar with Boudin despite his short time in office, and they are not happy with his performance. A majority hold him responsible for rising crime rates, don’t think he’s doing what’s best for the community, and don’t trust him. 

• A total of 74% have an unfavorable opinion of Boudin, with 59% of voters overall having a strongly unfavorable opinion. 

• 78% give Boudin a negative job performance rating including 59% who say he is doing a poor job. • 73% disagree he “is keeping San Francisco safe” 

• 69% disagree he “does what is best for the community” 

• 51% disagree that Boudin is “honest and trustworthy” 

• 61% agree he “is responsible for rising crime rates in San Francisco, especially burglaries and thefts” (EMC Research)

While many residents are outraged at Boudin, he has picked up support from the San Francisco Chronicle, the California Nurses Association, the ACLU of Northern California, the San Francisco Democratic Party, and the Sierra Club, among others.