
AG Barr Zeroes in on the Real Interference That Occurred in the Last Presidential Election

Former Attorney General William Barr has a new book out, so he’s making the rounds. He’s rehashing some of the controversies of the 2020 election. Specifically, he’s commenting on the Hunter Biden laptop story that has finally been realized as authentic by the liberal media. Now, we knew this already back when it was originally reported by The New York Post in October of 2020. The Post was censored by big tech over this piece of journalism that made Joe Biden look awful. It wasn’t Russian disinformation, though every intelligence official came out of the woodwork to say so without evidence. They signed a letter. Joe even lied about his son’s laptop during the debates which disturbed Barr immensely. The former DOJ chief now says this story was weaponized to tilt the election, and it very well could be responsible for Biden’s win (via Washington Examiner):

Former Attorney General William Barr argued the effort by dozens of former intelligence officials to cast doubt on the Hunter Biden laptop revelations by baselessly suggesting Russia involvement “probably affected the outcome” of the 2020 presidential race.

The 51 former spy officials who signed a letter suggesting Russia was involved with the laptop saga are now largely silent about why they weighed in on the story weeks before the election. Despite offering no proof, President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, along with many in the media, dismissed the October 2020 laptop story as being part of a Russian disinformation operation, with Biden citing the letter in a debate with then-President Donald Trump, which Barr critiqued.


Joe Biden called the laptop story “garbage” and part of a “Russian plan” and cited the letter. He was referring to a Politico report about the letter in an article titled “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.” The title was misleading because the letter never directly called the laptop Russian “disinformation.” The laptop “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation," the officials claimed, but they admitted that “we do not have evidence of Russian involvement." But the letter also referred to “our view that the Russians are involved in the Hunter Biden email issue.”

A recent report from the New York Times said emails from the laptop were authentic, which multiple other outlets had previously concluded. The Justice Department is reportedly investigating Hunter Biden for foreign lobbying violations related to his overseas business dealings, in addition to scrutinizing his taxes.

Barr had expounded on all of this on Monday, criticizing the president's falsehoods and the decision by former intelligence officials to influence the race.

“I was very disturbed during the debate when candidate Biden lied to the American people about the laptop,” Barr said on America Reports on Fox News. “He was squarely confronted with the laptop, and he suggested that it was Russian disinformation and pointed to the letter written by intelligence people that was baseless, which he knew was a lie. And I was shocked by that."

Barr added: “So when you’re talking about interference in an election, I can’t think of anything more than that kind of thing.” The former attorney general has repeatedly said he did not believe voter fraud changed the outcome of the Trump-Biden race.

So, there you have it. Another case of the liberals becoming the very thing they claim to be crusading against—they became agents of collusion to win an election. Now, there was no Russian collusion. That’s been long debunked as a myth, though it’s viewed as fact among the mentally ill of America; we call them Democrats. Without a doubt, there would have been a sizeable chunk of Biden supporters who would not have voted for him if the media did their jobs. We all know they can’t; they’re quasi-Democratic operatives. Around 17 percent of 2020 Biden voters say they would not have backed Joe if they had known about this story. That’s the election right there. And based on the real numbers, Trump and the GOP were not too far from winning everything in 2020. Only 43,000 votes stood in the way of the GOP winning a unified government in 2020.