
Joe Biden's Remarks at DNC Winter Meeting About Midterms Remind Us How Delusional He Is

When it comes to prognostications about these upcoming November mid-terms, President Joe Biden hasn't gotten any less delusional. In fact, every time he opens his mouth, it becomes clearer and clearer he doesn't know what he's talking about. This is further evidenced by remarks made on Thursday night for the DNC winter meeting.

As highlighted by Alex Gangitano for The Hill, the president not only warned the Democrats about the highly likely outcome of Republicans taking control of Congress, but encouraged party members to keep doing what they've been doing. 

For real. That's what he actually wants Democrats to do. 

From Gangitano's report:

[Biden] encouraged Democrats to use the same work ethic, enthusiasm and energy they had in the 2020 election as they seek to keep control of the House and Senate, and to add seats. 

“If we don’t do that, don’t do that, it’s going to be a sad, sad two years. Think about Republicans if they controlled the Congress these last two years,” the president said to members at their winter meeting in Washington, D.C.

He praised Democrats’ record and told them to use it when campaigning for the midterms.

“I believe we have a record to be incredibly proud of … a message that resonates: Build a better America. Now we have to do the work,” Biden said.

“Now what we have to do is we have to sell it with confidence, clarity, conviction and repetition,” he said.

Among what Biden considers to be a success, includes his handling of Ukraine. While the president has seen a bump in the polls on those issues, for now, polls have also indicated that a majority, at 62 percent in one Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, think Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump was president. Further, 59 percent believe Putin made such a move because he saw weakness in Biden.

Earlier this week, Paul Bond for Newsweek highlighted a HarrisX poll shared exclusively with the outlet that showed 58 percent of respondents say Biden's policies are "more to blame about the Russian invasion of Ukraine."

Biden also touted, as he's prone to doing, the American Rescue Plan, vaccination rates, and job creation, in addition to the infrastructure package. 

"As long as Democrats push Biden’s failed agenda, they can expect to keep losing. Democrats up-and-down the ballot are in lockstep with Biden and will be held accountable for his failures in November, read a statement from RNC Spokesperson Emma Vaughn, also from Thursday. 

A backgrounder from the RNC painted a much more grim but nevertheless realistic picture of the state of the country, including:

It's not merely the RNC saying so, though. Poll after poll shows the American people aren't fond of this administration is handling many, or even any of the issues it's been tasked with. They don't think that the country is going in the right direction, either.

FiveThirtyEight, last updated on Thursday morning, has Biden at a 42.5 percent approval rating, while 51.6 percent disapprove. 

Data from RealClearPolitics (RCP) from February 23-March 9 similarly has Biden at a 42.3 percent approval rating, while 51.6 percent also disapprove. 

When it comes to poll data from RCP from February 15-March 8, just 29.7 percent say the country is going in the right direction, while 62.3 percent say it's on the wrong track. 

President Biden also seems to be woefully ignorant of history, as the president's party almost always loses seats in Congress during his first midterm election. 

Currently, Democrats only control the 50-50 U.S. Senate because Vice President Kamala Harris serves as a tiebreaking vote. Democrats similarly also control the U.S. House of Representatives by single digits. 

Combined with these narrow majorities, as well as Biden's particularly poor poll ratings, and the over 30 Democratic members choosing to retire rather than lose, it's safe to say that we can expect a massive red wave come November.