
Ted Cruz Explains Why Biden's FCC Nominee Must Be Defeated

Republican Senators have been sounding the alarm for months about President Joe Biden's nominee to head up the Federal Communications Commission. 

Biden's choice for the job, Gigi Sohn, made it out of the Senate Commerce Committee on a party line vote Thursday and her nomination is headed for a floor vote soon. 

During debate on her nomination, Senator Ted Cruz again warned about the consequences should she be confirmed. 

"My principal concern with Ms. Sohn is that she has expressed a significant willingness to use government power against political enemies, and to use government power as a tool of censorship and I think the FCC is a particularly dangerous place for a partisan who is willing to try to muzzle those with who she disagrees," Cruz said. "There was a time when there were Democrats willing to speak out in defense of free speech. That time seems to have passed. I think that is unfortunate. I hope that at least some in the Democrat caucus continue to value free speech and don't want to see government power abused." 

In the past Sohn has called for Fox News and other conservative media outlets to be shut down. During her confirmation hearing, Sohn claimed she could put her personal bias aside as FCC Commissioner.