
Manchin Explains the Condition Under Which He Would Not Vote for a Supreme Court Nominee

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) explained on Monday where he would draw the line in voting for a Supreme Court nominee, should a second vacancy occur on President Biden's watch.

"I'm not going to be hypocritical on that," the Democratic senator told reporters. "If it comes a week or two weeks before, like it did with our last Supreme Court nominee, I think that’s a time it should go to the next election."

The centrist Democrat later clarified he was referring to the 2024 election, not the midterms. 

He voted to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh before the 2018 midterms but did not support Justice Amy Coney Barrett before the 2020 election.

"Rushing to confirm a Supreme Court nominee weeks before a presidential election has never been done before in the history of our nation, and it will only fan the flames of division at a time when our country is deeply divided," he said in a Sept. 26, 2020 statement.

"I will not vote to confirm Judge Coney Barrett or any Supreme Court nominee before Election Day on Nov. 3. I urge my Republican friends to slow down, put people before politics, and give their constituents a chance to vote.”