
Zelensky Wasn't Being Serious About Russia Attacking Ukraine on Wednesday

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a former actor and comedian, was apparently being sarcastic when he said "we are told February 16 will be the day of the attack" on Ukraine by Russia. 

Presidential adviser Mykhailo Podoliak clarified that Zelensky was being “ironic” and was referring to media speculation about the date of a potential invasion.

"We are being intimidated by the great war and the date of the military invasion is being set again. This is not the first time," the president said in an address to the nation.

"The war against us is being systematically waged on all fronts," he continued. "On the military one, they increase the contingent around the border. On the diplomatic one, they are trying to deprive us of the right to determine our own foreign policy course. On the energy one, they limit the supply of gas, electricity and coal. On the information one, they seek to spread panic among citizens and investors through the media.

"But our state today is stronger than ever.

Zelensky said that Ukraine will instead make Feb. 16 a "Day of Unity."

"The relevant decree has already been signed. On this day, we will hoist national flags, put on blue and yellow ribbons and show the world our unity,” he said. "We have one great European aspiration -- we want freedom and are ready to fight for it. Fourteen thousand defenders and civilians killed in this war are watching us from the sky. And we will not betray their memory."