
Yuma Border Patrol Video Shows the Jaw-Dropping Amount of Trash Left Behind By Illegal Immigrants

The Yuma Sector along the U.S.-Mexico border continues to be one of the hardest-hit sectors as the surge in illegal immigrants does not appear to be slowing down more than a year into Joe Biden's presidency.

Trash along trails illegal immigrants use to enter the country is nothing new but was is new is the large amount of garbage that has been left behind as it is correlated to the increased number of people crossing into the United States.

Typically, in addition to bottles and consumables being thrown on the ground, wet clothing is discarded after people cross the Rio Grande or, in this case, the Colorado River. They then change into dry clothing they brought over from Mexico before being picked up by Border Patrol.

In the video provided to Townhall by a Border Patrol source in the Yuma Sector, it shows all of the items that were discarded by illegal immigrants, creating a giant pile.

During the month of December last year, Border Patrol agents in the Yuma Sector encountered over 29,000 illegal immigrants. 1,208 illegal immigrants were encountered across the sector during the same month in 2020 and in December 2019, fewer than 800 people were encountered, according to the Washington Examiner. The Yuma Sector has become a very popular crossing spot for a number of reasons, such as the Colorado River having easy points to cross, lowering the risk of drowning.