
Biden to Host Democrats as Supreme Court Decision Looms

President Joe Biden will host a number of Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats at the White House Thursday as he continues to deliberate about who should replace Justice Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court. 

"Building on the work the President has been doing to seek the advice of Senators of both parties, he will host the Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats at the White House on Thursday. The President has also continued his conversations with Republicans this week, and he’s grateful to all of the members who are working with him in good faith during this process," the White House released Wednesday. "As a former longtime chairman of the committee, and as you’ve heard him emphasize repeatedly, the President takes the advice role of the Senate very seriously, and also has a unique appreciation for Supreme Court nominations being one of the most important decisions that a president ever makes."

Biden has reassured activists he will choose a black woman to sit on the bench, but 70 percent of Americans want all candidates to be considered. Vice President Kamala Harris is advising Biden throughout the process. Former Democratic Senator Doug Jones will shepherd the nominee. 

"He is considering a wealth of candidates, all of whom possess the best qualifications that any person could – first-rate legal minds, strong credentials, records, and character. They have also all lived the American dream, have compelling life stories and unique strengths. And any of them would be deserving of bipartisan support because of their deep qualifications," the White House said about the process. "He’s also continuing to consult with a diverse group of legal experts for their views, as well."

It is still unclear who Biden will choose, but Democrats and legal scholars have their guesses. Dark money groups are heavily involved in pushing Biden to the left with his choice.