
Psaki Doubles Down on Masking Kids

As Democratic governors start to withdraw mask mandates for kids in schools, the White House is doubling down on the unscientific and harmful practice. 

The White House uses the Centers for Disease Control to set policy. A study put out by the CDC justifying masking in schools was deeply flawed.

"The agency’s director has said, repeatedly, that schools without mask mandates have triple the risk of COVID outbreaks. That claim is based on very shaky science," The Atlantic reports. "Scientists generally agree that, according to the research literature, wearing masks can help protect people from the coronavirus, but the precise extent of that protection, particularly in schools, remains unknown—and it might be very small. What data do exist have been interpreted into guidance in many different ways. The World Health Organization, for example, does not recommend masks for children under age 6. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control recommends against the use of masks for any children in primary school."

Meanwhile, Democratic Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey is withdrawing the state's mask mandate for schools. 

Long before Murphy, Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin issued an executive order barring local school districts from forcing children to mask up.