
Pelosi Encourages American Athletes to Keep Their Mouths Shut About 'Ruthless' China

UPDATE: Pelosi doubled down Friday. 

***Original post***

The 2022 Winter Olympics are officially underway in communist China. A number of athletes chose to boycott Friday morning's opening ceremonies in an effort to highlight the country's ongoing human rights abuses and responsibility for the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. 

"Olympic athletes from multiple countries who want to show solidarity with the victims of the Chinese government's human rights abuses have been quietly preparing to boycott the Opening Ceremonies, according to human rights activists who have been helping to educate and organize them," The Washington Post reports. "For several months, U.S.-based activists have been meeting with Olympic athletes from several Western countries to urge them to speak out on the Chinese government’s mass atrocities and severe repression of Uyghurs, Tibetans, Hong Kongers and other groups inside China. The athletes, facing the threat of punishment from the Chinese government if they talk about human rights, have almost all avoided addressing the subject in public."

But back in the United States, Democratic politicians are urging athletes to keep their criticism of the regime to themselves. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is advising athletes to keep their mouths shut for fear they will be punished. 

"You're there to compete. Do not risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government because they are ruthless," Pelosi said. 

Meanwhile, Democrat allies in the media are doing the same. 

On the ground in China, journalists are being carefully watched and taken away for "incorrect" reporting. 

Pelosi's comment highlights the very reason why a number of Republican lawmakers called for a full boycott of the Olympic Games in China.