
Tulsi Gabbard Explains Why Kamala Harris Has Been a 'Disaster'

President Joe Biden is set to meet with Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin and Ranking Member Chuck Grassley Tuesday at the White House ahead of a Supreme Court confirmation battle in the coming months. 

Last week when Justice Stephen Breyer officially announced his retirement, President Biden reaffirmed he plans to pick a black woman as his replacement. 

But the idea of choosing a nominee based on skin color rather than merit isn't sitting well with the American people. A new ABC News/Ipsos poll shows nearly 80 percent of Americans are opposed to Biden choosing a nominee based on race.  

"Just over three-quarters of Americans (76%) want Biden to consider "all possible nominees." Just 23% want him to automatically follow through on his history-making commitment that the White House seems keen on seeing through," ABC reports.

Former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is also weighing in and noting this type of selection process is not good for the country or for the individual chosen for the job. 

Despite her previously failings, Vice President Harris will closely advise President Biden on the nomination process.