
Florida Republicans Introduce Legislation Banning Abortion After 15 Weeks

Republican lawmakers in Florida introduced legislation Tuesday that would ban abortions in the state after 15 weeks gestation.

Two state lawmakers, State Sen. Kelli Stargel and State Rep. Erin Grall, both Republicans, filed the legislation on the first day of the state’s annual legislative session, Fox News reported.

“There’s a lot of pro-life legislation. We’re going to be welcoming it,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, said to reporters.

“I haven’t looked at every single bill. I think if you look at what’s been done in some of these other states – I mean when you start talking about 15 weeks where you have really serious pain and heartbeats and all this stuff – having protections I think is something that makes a lot of sense,” the governor said.

According to the Associated Press, the legislation makes no exceptions for rape or incest, but it would allow an abortion outside the 15-week threshold to save the life of the mother, prevent serious injury to the mother, or if the fetus has a fetal abnormality. Current Florida law allows abortion up to 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Florida Senate President Wilton Simpson, who was adopted as a child, told the AP that he is hopeful the 15-week abortion law will pass during the legislative session.

“I think it’s a very good start and I think it’s something the committee process will vet out and perhaps be on the floor at some point,” said Simpson, who was adopted as a young child. “I’ve been pro-life all of my life.”

Florida’s proposed aboriton legislation mirrors legislation currently being challenged at the Supreme Court.On Dec. 1, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments for the case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Dobbs, which pertains to a 15-week abortion ban in Mississippi, is the first case in decades that could overturn landmark abortion cases Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. A decision is expected next summer.