
Here Are the Democrats Who Are Fundraising Off of the Capitol Riot

Democrats wasted no time on Thursday to use the Capitol riot to fundraise for their own interests. From members of Congress to state governors to the Democratic National Committee, many emails were sent out to ask for political donations because of the riot last year.

Democrats who sent fundraising emails include Rep. Pramila Jayapal (WA), Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, the Arizona Democrats, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak, and Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison.

When not busy fundraising off of the Capitol riot, Democrats were busy comparing the riot to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, which prompted pushback from 9/11 first responders and family members of first responders.

"Certain dates echo throughout history, including dates that instantly remind all who have lived through them where they were and what they were doing when our democracy came under assault. Dates that occupy not only a place on our calendars but a place in our collective memory. December 7, 1941. September 11, 2001. And January 6, 2021," Vice President Harris said at the Capitol.