
So-Called Moderate Dem. Conor Lamb Favors Abolishing Filibuster Now That He's Running for Senate

Monday was a big day for reminding voters what's at stake in the Senate when it could to the fate of the filibuster. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) indicated in a "Dear Colleague" letter that the Senate will vote to change the rules on January 17 if Republicans don't come on board to vote for legislation that will amount to a federal takeover of elections. But, Rep. Conor Lamb (D-PA) who has been considered a so-called moderate, on Monday also indicated he supports getting rid of the filibuster. He's running for the Senate to replace outgoing Sen. Pat Toomey, a Republican.

"I will vote to end the filibuster. Republicans are abusing it to block voting rights & endanger our democracy. To block health care & child care & union protections. We have to win this Senate seat to end the filibuster. It's that simple," he shared on Monday afternoon, hours after Schumer sent out the letter. 

Lamb's 15-second video message was a warning perhaps more stark than Schumer's, as the majority leader currently doesn't have the support from all 50 Democrats to end the filibuster, since Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) still support keeping it.

Republican opponent Jeff Bartos was among those who quickly picked up on Lamb's threat to get rid of the filibuster, and Lamb engaged right back. 

While Lamb claims that the filibuster is being abused to "endanger our democracy," as the Democratic Party and their media allies have done, businessman Jeff Bartos highlighted how Democrats are desperate to "fast track Joe Biden's radical agenda."

Bartos also issued a statement. "While campaigning as a moderate, Conor Lamb has now succumbed to Democrats' signature power grab. Senate Democrats need to abolish the filibuster in order to fast track Joe Biden's radical agenda, and Conor Lamb is willing to do so at the expense of Pennsylvania families," he said. "Make no mistake, this move will lead to higher taxes, job loss, and a federal takeover of our elections. As your Senator, I will always protect the ability to debate major legislation with the Senate filibuster."

Some reacted to Lamb's tweet by pointing out that Republicans could very well be in the majority even if Lamb does win his seat.

Others pointed out that Lamb is no moderate after all, then, and certainly not like Sen. Manchin. 

Lamb's primary opponent and current frontrunner, Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman, is also against the filibuster, and has been for some time.