
'Gift These People Some Vasectomies': Keith Olbermann Tweets About Family Planning Over Romney Christmas Post

Keith Olbermann once again reminded Twitter what a miserable person he is, this time by commenting on a tweet from Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) quoting Scripture and wishing people a "Merry Christmas." The tweet also featured a picture of Sen. Romney and his family, which prompted a response from Olbermann to suggest "Somebody gift these people some vasectomies."

"Keith Olbermann" is even trending on Twitter, with the social media platform referring to him as a "sports commentator." Olbermann certainly likely wishes he was known solely for being a "sports commentator." Many people know him though for his MSNBC show, "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," and for what an all-around nasty person he is.

As our friends at Twitchy pointed out, it took Olbermann four days to tweet his response, considering the Romney Christmas message came on Christmas Day. 

Olbermann went on to tweet more incendiary things about Romney, including a statement from the senator that was from October 13, 2020 in which Romney pointed out that Olbermann referred to then President Donald Trump as a "terrorist." In addition to doubling down on his attacks against Romney, Olbermann doubled down on his insults against Trump. In such a tweet he also brought Romney's faith into the discussion.

For whatever reason, Olbermann tweeted that photo of Romney and Trump and the statement multiple times.

Romney's statement Olbermann was referencing also criticized Trump as well, which did not go mentioned by Olbermann. It's no secret that Sen. Romney has been at odds with the former president. He voted to convict Trump in both of his impeachment trials in fact and has also been an outspoken critic, including through op-eds.

Olbermann received quite the backlash, as highlighted by Twitchy. He even engaged right back with some of his detractors. 

It's worth noting that Olbermann is supposedly pro-choice. And, just as he's gone after most others who dare to disagree with him, he's cruelly gone after the pro-life movement.

A June 12, 2009 blog post from the Respect Life Ministry of the Diocese of Dallas noted that pro-life activist and former nurse, Jill Stanek, was the "Worst Person in the World" for sharing names of abortionists and the addresses of their facilities. Stanek had previously exposed hospitals for performing late-term abortions by allowing babies to be born alive and then die, alone, in linen closets. 

It begs the question, then, as to why he cares what family planning methods the Romneys use or don't use and how many children they decide to have. 

In addition to taking shots at Romney, Olbermann had ironically been tweeting kind things about the death of football legend John Madden. 

One retweet shared that Madden "was bigger than himself" and that his "heart was bigger than anything else."