
New Polling Shows Biden Approval Sinking Below Kamala Harris

New polling from Gallup shows President Joe Biden has a lower approval rating than Vice President Kamala Harris. Biden sits at 43 percent with Harris at 44 percent. Harris still has a higher disapproval rating than Biden at 54 percent. 

"The slight majority of adults disapprove of the jobs Vice President Kamala Harris (54%) and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (53%) are doing, while 44% approve of each," Gallup found. "Americans' impressions of the bottom four ranking figures are decidedly more negative."

Meanwhile, a left leaning poll from Civiqa shows Biden's approval at just 37 percent

These numbers come on the heels of Harris making the media rounds on an image rehabilitation tour as Biden gets slammed with a massive Wuhan coronavirus testing shortage he could have prevented. 

Further, earlier this month polling from I&I/TIPP showed Biden's reelection chances are already doomed. From the Boston Herald

The numbers are cringeworthy — 22% and 12%.

That’s the support for President Biden and his VP Kamala Harris in an I&I/TIPP poll that asked who would you vote for in the 2024 election. Even if you doubt the veracity of all this polling, these are poor numbers.

The only good news for Biden, the survey adds, is “no favorite has emerged among the large field of potential challengers to run against Biden in the 2024 primaries.”

But the sinking survey results are not out of the norm. A Wall Street Journal poll out Tuesday pegged Biden’s approval rating at a dismal 41%. Rasmussen had it at 42%.

It’s undeniable. Joe Biden is hurting in the polls right now and it’s due to a number of factors,” said Erin O’Brien, associate professor of political science at UMass Boston.

Those factors, she said, include the nagging pandemic, soaring inflation, lingering doubts about Biden’s foreign policy chops after the botched pullout from Kabul and lingering legislation.

The Journal adds that with Biden flatlining in the polls, he won’t be in a position to help Democrats fighting to keep their jobs in the midterms.

This comes as Democrats hold a slim majority in the House, where the split is 221-213, and in the Senate, at 50-50, but with Harris as the tiebreaker.