
White House COVID Coordinator Shuts Down Reporters Questioning Biden

President Joe Biden hosted a Wuhan coronavirus meeting with a number of governors Monday. He did so from the fake White House set in the Eisenhower Office Building. Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci and Centers for Disease Control Director Rochelle Walensky were in attendance. 

“If you need something say something,” Biden said to governors, who joined virtually. “Seeing how tough it was for some folks to get a test this weekend shows that we have more work to do.”

The press pool was allowed in at the beginning, but as soon as they started asking questions, they were promptly escorted out by COVID coordinator Jeffery Zients. Specifically, Biden was asked if he supports mandating vaccination for domestic flights. 

Last week Biden said he "wasn't supposed to be" answering reporter questions. 

Before reporters were kicked out of the room, Biden admitted the response to the disease isn't a "federal responsibility." This of course breaks a major campaign promise from Biden to "shut down the virus." He also said current testing capabilities are not enough after the administration turned down a robust plan in October. 

Biden will leave for Delaware Monday afternoon and has no public events scheduled for the rest of the week.