
Biden Admits One of His Policies Is Incredibly Unpopular

President Biden acknowledged Tuesday that his vaccine mandates are unpopular even among those eager to get the jab.

“I know vaccination requirements are unpopular for many, they’re not even popular for those who are anxious to get them,” he said during a speech about additional efforts to combat the winter surge of Covid-19. “My administration has put them in place not to control your life but to save your life and the lives of others.” 

Given their unpopularity, government officials have been steering clear of referring to vaccine requirements as “mandates” recently. 

In an interview with CNBC, White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci called the word “radioactive” and said “people seem to respond better to [requirements].” 

Biden's comments came as he announced his administration's efforts to boost its coronavirus response this winter, including increasing the supply of rapid Covid-19 tests, which will be distributed to Americans at no cost, more vaccination and testing sites, and sending more help to hospitals nationwide.

“I know you’re tired, really, and I know you’re frustrated,” he said. “We all want this to be over, but we’re still in it.”