
The Left's Unhinged Reaction to Justice in the Rittenhouse Trial Has Begun


Reaction continues to roll in from the ill-adjusted left, and some are just too unbelievable to not include.

California's Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has thoughts, albeit erroneous ones, about the trial and firearms in general.

A University of Alabama Law School professor declared that "we need to rethink" the Second Amendment, but apparently can't tell the difference between using a firearm in self defense and just spraying bullets into a crowd of people.

"Squad" member and truth-challenged Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) has decided the whole Rittenhouse case — including the judge, jury, and Kyle — are proof of "white supremacy in action," despite the fact that Kyle was charged in the shooting of three white men, one of which was throwing the N-word around. 

Original Post:

As Kyle Rittenhouse collapsed in tears of relief inside the Kenosha County Courthouse when the jury's verdict exonerating him (see Matt's story here) on all charges was read, a portion of the crowd assembled outside the court erupted in cheers.

Already, though, the usual suspects on the left have begun their sore-loser antics.

Union boss Becky Pringle — who leads the National Education Association representing three million teachers — decided that she knows better than the jurors and decided Rittenhouse's acquittal is "threatening the safety of all of us."

Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell (CA) responded with a call to "more peaceful marching," a strange characterization of the riots that burned businesses throughout Kenosha. 

According to another congressman, Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-NY), "our system is terribly broken" because "white tears can forestall justice."

Outgoing New York City Mayor (and gubernatorial hopeful) Bill de Blasio went all-in on the hyperbole and lies, falsely claiming Rittenhouse brought a gun across state lines (he didn't) and saying a just interpretation of Wisconsin's laws is more than a "miscarriage of justice." 

Obama lackey Ben Rhodes decided to abandon subtlety and call the verdict a "dark message sent" to "heavily armed would-be vigilantes." He's wrong, but he should know something about dark messages sent to the heavily armed of the world after his work to send pallets of cash to the Iranian regime.

Fired Biden White House staffer TJ Ducklo kept things short and (not) sweet, as did Vice President Kamala Harris' niece Meena Harris.

As our own Julio Rosas points out, if you were surprised by the jury's verdict, it's because you weren't getting the real story about the case.

Stay tuned to Townhall and be sure to follow Julio who will be reporting from the ground in Kenosha as the response to the Rittenhouse verdict continues.