
Rittenhouse Trial Judge: MSNBC Is Banned from the Courthouse

KENOSHA, Wisc. — Judge Bruce Schroeder revealed late Thursday morning Kenosha police pulled someone over because they were following the bus that was carrying the Kyle Rittenhouse jurors after they finished their deliberations for the night on Wednesday.

Police noticed the man was following the bus when he ran a red light. When police pulled the driver over he identified himself as James G. Morrison, a producer with MSNBC. He said he was instructed by Irene Byon in New York City to follow the bus.

Morrison was ticketed for driving through the red light and the incident is under further investigation, according to Schroeder.

"He's not here today from what I'm told and I've instructed that no one from MSNBC news will be permitted in this building for the duration of this trial. This is a very serious matter and I don't know what the ultimate truth of it is, but absolutely it would go without much thinking that someone who is following the jury bus, it is an extremely serious matter," he added.

This is the second time someone has tried to follow the jury while they were being transported by the bus. During the second week of the trial, Schroeder stated someone was caught filming the jurors at the bus pickup spot. 

"Officers approached the person and required [them] delete the video and return the phone to him. I've instructed that if it happens again, they are to take the phone and bring it here," Schroeder said at the time.

The jury is not sequestered as they determine a verdict in the Rittenhouse trial.

MSNBC did not return Townhall's request for comment in time for publication.