
Psaki Admits Biden Administration is Using High Gas Prices to Push 'Alternative' Energy

Speaking to reporters at the White House Friday afternoon, Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked what President Joe Biden is doing to alleviate painfully high oil and gas prices. In her answer, Psaki said the administration is using the opportunity to move the country away from oil and gas to "alternative" energy sources. 

"Look, our view is that the rise in gas prices over the long term makes and even stronger case for doubling down on our investment and our focus on clean energy options so we are not relying on the fluctuations and OPEC and their willingness to put more supply and meet the demand in the market," Psaki said. 

The White House has repeatedly rejected the option of drilling more oil in the United States.

As Spencer covered, the UN climate conference increased emissions this year. 

Psaki also classified rising inflation, which is making energy more expansive, as a "political cudgel" and that rising costs are transitory.