
Video: Joe Biden Fell Asleep at the Climate Summit. An Aide Woke Him Up.

President Joe Biden is in Glasgow, Scotland today for the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties. Ahead of the conference, his administration pledged to send the corrupt international organization billions in American tax dollars.  

During speeches Monday afternoon, Biden fell asleep. After a few moments, an aide noticed and rushed over to wake him up. 

Meanwhile Biden and other global elites are doing their part to "fight climate change" by traveling in a 85 vehicle long motorcades. 

Biden is also spending time with former Vice President Al Gore, who sold Current TV to oil rich Al Jazeera for $500 million in 2014. Former Secretary of State John Kerry, who regularly flies privately around the globe, is also in attendance. 

Meanwhile China, whose communist leaders failed to show up at the conference, continues to be the world's worst polluter.

"China’s emissions are so vast that its biggest companies, few of which are household names, create more pollution than entire nations. China Baowu, the world’s top steelmaker, put more CO2 into the atmosphere last year than Pakistan," Bloomberg reports.