
Washington Post Editor Gets An Earful After Complaining About Maskless Elevator Rider

Ruth Marcus, a deputy editorial page editor for the Washington Post, took to Twitter to voice her displeasure over encountering a man who did not wear a mask while riding in an elevator with her in Madison, Wisconsin.

"Me, getting out: 'you know, it would be really nice if you wore a mask.' Man: 'I don’t care what you think.' America 2021," Marcus recounted, adding the rule comes from Dane County.

Twitter users mostly mocked Marcus for her overdramatic take on what should have been a mundane elevator ride but, as shown throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, some can not help themselves to try to seem superior over those who are willing to go against the grain. 

No word on how Marcus feels about President Joe Biden and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot being caught violating mask-wearing mandates over the weekend.

A side note, I have run into a similar situation except despite everyone was wearing a mask, two adult men, who I assume to vaccinated, shouted at me to get off the elevator because of a "rule" not having more than two people at a time. No such rule existed, but that didn't stop them from acting scared of their own shadow. No matter what, it will never be enough for those who act like it is still March 2020.