
White House Continues Pushing Massive Lie About the Build Back Better Agenda

The White House continued pushing a massive lie about the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package on Sunday—that President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda won’t cost the average American taxpayer anything.

“The cost of the Build Back Better Agenda is $0,” the tweet said. “The President's plan won't add to our national deficit and no one making under $400,000 per year will see their taxes go up a single penny. 

"It's fully paid for by ensuring big corporations and the very wealthy pay their fair share,” the tweet added.

The claim has been debunked by multiple analysts but the White House and administration officials have continued to double down. Fox News’s Chris Wallace, when confronted with Biden senior adviser Cedric Richmond repeating the claim on “Fox News Sunday,” corrected him on the spot but Richmond dug in. Wallace later said the claim “may be the dumbest spin line I’ve ever heard” during his 40-plus years in Washington. 

Insider columnist Josh Barrow pointed out that "'cost' is not a synonym for 'deficit impact.'"

Many others criticized the administration for pushing the false talking point as well.