
Clown Town: AP Fact Check on DOJ's War on Parents Is Predictably Laughable

Spencer had this up first. The Biden Department of Justice has declared war on parents. Why? Well, they’re mad about Critical Race Theory being taught and they’re letting local school boards have it at these meetings. To protect these besieged left-wingers trying to brainwash our kids, the DOJ decided to classify organized protests against CRT at these meetings as akin to domestic terrorism. No, I’m, not kidding:

In a memo sent from Garland to the FBI director and United States attorneys on Monday, Biden's attorney general announced a "partnership among federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement to address threats against school administrators, board members, teachers and staff."

Garland's memo also teases "a series of measures designed to address the rise in criminal conduct directed toward school personnel" in the Biden administration's response to a National School Boards Association letter claiming parental opposition to school mandates and woke ideology "could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes."

Ignoring numerous instances in which parents have been stopped from speaking out against school board attempts to implement woke programs for their children, Garland attacks parents with an overly broad brush saying "there has been a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff who participate in the vital work of running our nation's public schools."

And what does the liberal media so, specifically the Associated Press, well—they say that’s not what the letter said:

CLAIM: The National School Boards Association is asking the Biden administration to label parents who protest school policies domestic terrorists.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The organization — the NSBA, for short — is not asking Biden to label parents who protest at school board meetings as terrorists. The NSBA asked the administration to do an interagency investigation of threats of violence against school board members and said the threats “could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” Biden has yet to publicly comment on the issue, and there’s no indication he or the Department of Justice has called protesting parents “domestic terrorists,” despite false claims to that effect by social media users.

THE FACTS: Local school boards around the country have become political battlegrounds over issues such as COVID-19 mask rules, the treatment of transgender students and how to teach the history of racism and slavery in America, The Associated Press has reported.

The National School Boards Association, a non-profit representing U.S. school boards, said these disputes were also leading to harassment and threats of violence against school board members. On Wednesday, the NSBA sent a letter to President Joe Biden, asking his administration to investigate these threats.

And here’s where it all fails—the AP didn’t read the letter. It’s quite clear the claim is actually true but that doesn’t matter. The liberal media has lied for years and they got away with it. After the Russian collusion hoax, these guys will do and say anything to protect Democrats. This case is no exception and the scary part is that social media giants, like Facebook, use these de facto Democratic Party operatives to police content on their platforms. You know this already. I know I’m just rehashing and preaching to the choir, but it’s never a bad thing to be reminded who our true enemies are nowadays. 

UPDATE: It looks like AP is running scared now: