
Notice What Was Missing When Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Finally Visited Del Rio

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) announced on Sunday she finally visited the U.S.-Mexico border in Del Rio, Texas. Lee said the purpose of the visit was to meet with Border Patrol, non-governmental organizations, and Haitians who are seeking asylum. 

"We must be prepared when migrants seek help on our borders and shores," Lee said. 

Lee then posted a picture of herself at the now-empty makeshift camp that recently had around 15,000 people, mostly Haitians, who had illegally crossed into the United States after wading through the Rio Grande. Lee called for the Biden administration to end using Title 42, which is a health order used to rapidly deport illegal immigrants to preventing crowding in Border Patrol facilities during a pandemic. 

Some users on social media noticed Lee's trip occurred after most of the Haitians, up to 12,000, were released into the U.S. and the makeshift camp is now empty. Some GOP members of Congress were able to make the trip while the crisis in Del Rio was in full swing. 

A few thousand Haitians were deported to Haiti, though many of those who recently illegally crossed into America did not come directly from Haiti. Many had been living in Chile, Brazil, or another Latin American country.