
New Poll Is Absolutely Brutal for Biden

It’s not just President Biden approval rating that’s been tanking in recent weeks. A new Pew survey found the commander in chief losing support on a number of issues, including his personal traits. 

Like many other polls, Biden’s approval rating fell in the survey conducted Sept. 13-19 among 10,371 adults, with less than half of Americans (44 percent) believing he’s doing a good job and 53 percent disapproving. That number has fallen among Democrats and other groups.

On issues, a majority of Americans (51 percent) have confidence in Biden on his coronavirus response. But more Americans disapprove than approve of his decisions on economic policy, foreign affairs, immigration, and wise use of military force. Americans have the least amount of confidence in the 46th president when it comes to unifying the country, with 66 percent not confident at all or not too confident, compared to 34 percent who expressed some confidence. 

Respondents expressed less confidence in some of his personal traits than they did six months ago, such as standing up for what he believes in and caring about the needs of ordinary people. Americans gave him the least positive assessment for his mental acuity, however, with 56 percent saying he’s not mentally sharp compared to 43 percent giving him a positive assessment, which has dropped 11 points since March. 

On Friday, Biden claimed he didn't pay attention to polls, despite indicating the opposite during the same press conference and at other times.