
GOP Governors Lead the Way in Economic Recovery

The unemployment rate is on the rise under the watchful eye of President Joe Biden, despite the president's promise to jumpstart the economy as the pandemic continues on. While blue state governors implement lockdown measures that hinder businesses and local economies, red states are leading the way with lower unemployment rates. 

New data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows that the vast majority of states with the lowest unemployment rates are led by GOP governors. The national average unemployment rate is 5.2 percent, and red states rank consistently below that. The mean unemployment rate for Republican-controlled states is 4.2 percent, while the average for blue states is 5.8 percent.

The Republican Governors Association (RGA), looking to elect more GOP governors in 2022, took note of the overwhelming failure by Democrat governors. 

"Month after month, history repeats itself with blue states ranking last as they crumble under the weight of their Democrat governor’s bad economic policies," said RGA Communications Director Jesse Hunt. "The consistent, top performance of Republican-led states is no coincidence. The latest unemployment report proves once again Republican governors foster the best environments for business and earning a living while Democrat governors blindly go along with the Biden Administration’s reckless policies and put partisan politics before the people of their states." 

The data proves that states controlled by Republicans, that choose open economies over lockdowns, are leading the way in pandemic recovery.