
Calling SCOTUS a 'Weapon,' Shrill Leftists Descend on Kavanaugh's Home Over TX Abortion Ruling

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's neighborhood was the scene of the latest iteration of "resist" protests Monday evening as activists with the "ShutDown DC" organization set their sights on his home after the Supreme Court decided to allow the Texas Heartbeat Bill to remain in place.

"When abortion rights are under attack, what do we do?" shouted a protestor into a bullhorn. "Rise up, fight back," a crowd of several dozen marching through Kavanaugh's suburban neighborhood responded. 

Activists also returned to a favorite tool of the leftist agitator, sidewalk chalk, to draw "resign Kavanaugh" in the street. The protestors also called for President Biden to expand the number of seats on the Supreme Court in order to pack the bench with leftist activist justices. The Court fulfilling its constitutional duties, according to the protestors, makes the Supreme Court "a weapon."

The protestors drew some police officers who did not interfere with the activists, but those gathered to protest Kavanaugh still diverted from their main focus to boo and yell at officers standing by. 

The retooling of resist protests in a time where Democrats control the White House and both chambers of Congress offers a preview of what is sure to be a contentious midterm election that's now just more than one year away. 

As usual, no matter how much power they have, leftist activists representing a number of causes will always find a reason to protest their alleged marginalization. But now that wokeness has become all-consuming, protestors have new concerns among their own ranks, apparently. As Twitchy covered last week, the organizers targeting Kavanaugh at his home warned participants to avoid comparing Kavanaugh to the Taliban because to do so would be Islamophobic.