
Journos Jumped to Accuse Baseball Fan of Shouting Racial Slur. Video Showed It Was Not True.

Accusations flew on social media after some claimed a baseball fan attending the Colorado Rockies vs. Miami Marlins game on Sunday had shouted the N-word while Marlins's Lewis Brison was up to bat.

The shouting could be heard when Brison was at home plate, prompting many verified and unverified accounts on Twitter to share the video clip, spurred by journalists posting the video. Clips of the incident on Twitter in some cases got millions of views.

Further examination of the video and comments by the fan in question showed the man was being falsely accused of using the racial slur. The man was trying to catch the attention of the Rockies mascot, Dinger, because he wanted to get a family photo.

The video shows the man waving to the mascot and was not looking at Brison when he shouted Dinger.

The investigation by the Rockies also revealed no one around the man heard the N-word. Unsurprisingly, the man is afraid of what would happen if people found out his identity because now many wrongly believe he is a racist.