
MSNBC Analyst Gets Shredded by Ben Shapiro on HBO, Is Upset When Tweeters Start Pointing It Out

MSNBC’s Malcolm Nance debated critical race theory on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher on August 6. It was not his best moment. The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro was the conservative guest. It perfectly illustrated how you simply cannot have conversations with Trump-deranged progressives anymore. Maher is a liberal, but he’s not a communist like the rest of them. He’s against speech codes, political correctness, wokeness, and simply for having conversations about subjects where it’s warranted. He also discussed transgender athletes in this episode in a separate segment noting that we need to have a talk about this because it’s new. There’s biology involved. Nowadays, simply bringing that up makes you transphobic. 

Well, the CRT debate went just as you’d expect. Shapiro giving clear and concise definitions of this so-called theory which is academic fraud disguised as history and Nance just hurling personal insults. When he wasn’t doing that, he was just peddling anti-Trump nonsense. So, when the social media reactions weren’t overwhelmingly in his favor, he blamed Twitter bots. It’s like the Left’s obsession with the Russian collusion hoax. Something didn’t go their way, so there must be a reason for why they lost. In that election, it’s Russia. With this, it’s social media. Nance, you just lost. Take the “L” (via Newsweek):

Following the show, users of social media site Twitter praised both Nance and Shapiro for their performance—while some argued over who had won the debate.

Nance highlighted one tweet defending Shapiro and suggested it showed that bot accounts were praising the conservative author.

"I've seen a hundred of these 'I don't like Shapiro but ...' bot tweets Tonight," Nance wrote.

"I have ZERO fake accounts hating on me but then praising my 'performance.'"

However, the account Nance referred to did not appear to engage in obviously automated activity.

So, is former CNN producer Steve Krakauer a bot? 

There were also times where even Maher was sort of getting tired of Nance’s inability to take the discussion seriously. Also, why would Nance even care about “bots” if he knew he did well? Who cares about trolls in these circumstances? Most people ignore them, not Nance in this case. Maybe he was just bothered that Shapiro got the best of him. It happens.