
Osama Bin Laden Named 'Devoted Family Man' in NYT Book Review

The New York Times was quick to change the headline of a book review that called Osama bin Laden a "devoted family man."

Irish political scientist Louise Richardson wrote the review on Peter Bergen's book "The Rise and Fall of Usama bin Laden." The title of the review was changed to "A Fuller Picture of Osama Bin Laden's Life."

Robert O'Neill, the Navy SEAL who claims to be the sole person who killed bin Laden in the May 2011 raid of his compound in Pakistan, responded to the headlines saying "Family man. He used his wife as a human shield. Lucky for me he was taller than her."

Dan Crenshaw, another former Navy SEAL and Republican congressman from Texas had something similar to say as O'Neill.

In her book review, Richardson notes that the "devoted family man" became an Islamic fundamentalist by age 16, and, and a year later he married his 15 year old cousin. She continues, saying "Bergen provides a family tree with the names of his five wives and 24 children. At the time of his death in 2011, his wives ranged in age from 28 to 62 and his children from 3 to 35."

The New York Times is completely comfortable attacking Christian American families. But when it comes to Osama bin Laden, the left-wing paper will tip their hat in his memory.