
McCarthy Blasts Pelosi's 'Sham Process' on January 6 Committee

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) “sham process” with respect to the January 6 select committee. Pelosi informed McCarthy that Reps. Jim Banks (R-IN) and Jim Jordan (R-OH), who were appointed by McCarthy to serve on the committee, were not permitted to sit on the committee.

"House Democrats must answer this question: Why are you allowing a lame duck Speaker to destroy this institution? This is the people's House, not Pelosi’s House," McCarthy said.

Banks said that Pelosi is engaging in a "political stunt."

McCarthy warned that Republicans will "not participate" unless Pelosi seats all the Republicans appointed to the select committee by the GOP leader.

"Pelosi has created a sham process. Unless Speaker Pelosi reverses course and seats all 5 Republicans we will not participate," he continued. 

After Pelosi announced her decision to veto Banks and Jordan from sitting on the committee, the minority leader said that Republicans will launch their own investigation.