
Washington Post Columnist Was Triggered By One Word Used to Describe Texas Democrats' DC Trip

I’m sure you all know about the stunt Texas Democrats pulled recently. To prevent the passage of bills they didn’t like, they simply fled the state. It was namely done to stop Texas’ voter integrity bill spearheaded by Republicans.

These cowards got a 30-rack of Miller Lite, boarded a private plane to Washington DC, and decided to lamb it. They’re milking it for all its worth too. We have these state representatives posting pictures of their fugitive meals on Twitter. And suddenly, this became a massive public relations move for the Free the People Act, aka HR1, which was a Democrat-led bill to nationalize all elections to ensure the party can never lose again. And by that, I mean, make it easier for them to cheat. 

We don’t have voter fraud issues in America, so says the Democratic Party, but let’s pass this bill that will make it easier to commit fraud in the name of…voter integrity. That’s the Left. That’s the gaslighting exercise. 

Texas Democrats’ goal was to prevent a quorum. Well, they failed at that as well. And now they face arrest when they gave to fly back to the Lone Star State. Yet, Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah lamented how people are saying these politicians fled their state. Why? Well, it makes them sound cowardly. I’m not kidding. 

Our friends at Twitchy highlighted this first, along with some good reactions to this tweet. CNN’s Chris Cillizza’s ‘journalists don’t take sides’ tweet was rehashed because well, we have yet another example showing how that remark is total garbage.