
CNN's Jim Acosta Without a Hint of Irony: Fox News Is a 'Bull***t Factory'

CNN host Jim Acosta railed against much-more-watched competitor Fox News during his appearance on Mediaite's podcast "The Interview," calling the network a “bullsh*t factory” and called out popular host Tucker Carlson.

Acosta said there were people at Fox News who would text him during the Trump administration about doing a good job, but they are now more focused on making more money by being a propaganda outlet.

"There was, I think, a moment of opportunity there for Fox News to come back to the real world and what they've decided to do since then is double down on being, what I call, the bullsh*t factory. They churn out segments that gin up outrage that they know is gonna piss off their viewers," Acosta said.

"If Trump or his lackeys go on Fox and they spew this nonsense about the election and they're not fact-checked in realtime, then they're operating as propagandists and they're doing a bad thing for this country," he added.

Of course, it is hilarious that anyone from CNN, most of all Jim Acosta, would try to claim they are a serious news outlet. Everything from the Russian collusion hoax, the Convington kids debacle, the "firey but mostly peaceful" riot coverage, to the most recent debunked narrative that Trump ordered Lafayette Square to be cleared during the summer riots. All of these false narratives were breathlessly pushed by CNN, quite the "bullsh*t factory" if you asked me.

It also probably doesn't help CNN has lost much of its viewership since Trump left office.