
The Three Words You Should Hurl at Fauci Regarding His Latest COVID Remarks

This game is getting old. No, it is old. COVID is over. Dr. Anthony Fauci and his clan of panic peddlers may not like it, but it's done. The level of infection is so low that Axios stopped issuing their weekly COVID map. States are reopening, even blue ones. Here, in Virginia, we're virtually open. Indoor capacity caps are gone. The mask mandate is finished. Social distancing guidelines are no more, except for the private businesses that want to keep them at their peril. We've reached herd immunity in many parts of the country, but what does Fauci do? He warns us about a new COVID variant, but the vaccines are effective against it, so get the shot, he says (via Daily Caller): 

Dr. Anthony Fauci warned Americans of a highly infectious COVID-19 variant as he urged more vaccinations during Tuesday’s press briefing.

The variant, dubbed the “Delta” variant, was first noticed in India and has since spread to other parts of the world, including the U.K. and America. Fauci said it has been has been reported in 60 countries and transmissibility appears to be higher than the “Alpha” variant, another one that’s swept across multiple countries.

“It may be associated with an increased disease severity, such as hospitalization risk compared to ‘Alpha,'” Fauci warned before noting that there is a bright side upon looking into the variant.

“Fortunately, two doses of the Pfizer vaccine and AstraZeneca appear to be effective against the ‘Delta’ variant,” he noted. “There’s reduced vaccine effectiveness after one dose, however, and I’ll get back to that in a moment.”

So, is Fauci now a spokesperson for Pfizer? Also, naming variants is racist. That's what I was told. Fauci is all about the vaccine-only approach to herd immunity. It doesn't consider the tens of millions of Americans who already had COVID. Natural immunity is not discussed. 

I got COVID last November, and I'm also vaccinated, but it was my choice. I can understand the hesitancy with some people. "Not my circus, not my monkey," as the saying goes. But Fauci…still doling out COVID advice. 

Dude, shut up. Those are the three words that should be yelled at the doctor who has been busted for being not only a serial liar but a peddler of science fiction. Everything he scared us about COVID that gave legitimacy to shutting down the country was a lie. There is no asymptomatic spread. Mask-wearing isn't effective since most are store-bought and ineffective at curbing the spread. He was wrong about the vaccine as well. And he finally admitted that his mask-wearing post-vaccination was political theater. The vaccines work. That's good. It's also your choice if you want to get jabbed—and tens of millions of Americans have done so. But please—Fauci, go away, dude. Your lies have been more destructive than anything Trump was accused of doing while president, most of it innocuous. Fauci played a part in throwing millions out of work. 

Go away, doc.