
Chicago Mayor Sued Over Anti-White Interview Process

No white people. That’s the interview rule that Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has enacted because subtracting people from the pool is good for diversity or something. Leah wrote about this last week. Only nonwhite reporters can interview the mayor which seems unconstitutional on its face. When CNN defends this policy, you know it’s wrong. Some Latino reporters at the Chicago Tribune refused to adhere to this policy as well. For all the talk about racism and supposedly combating it, the Left sure loves to enact policies that are…pretty racist. And now, the mayor is facing a lawsuit over this interview protocol (via NY Post):

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was hit with a lawsuit for allegedly dodging a white reporter’s interview requests – a week after she said she’d only speak one-on-one with journalists of color.

News outlet The Daily Caller and Judicial Watch announced the lawsuit Thursday, in the aftermath of Lightfoot’s temporary policy, which she launched in protest of the lack of diversity in the Windy City press corps.

“It’s absurd that an elected official believes she can discriminate on the basis of race,” Daily Caller editor-in-chief Ethan Barton said in a statement.

“Mayor Lightfoot’s decision is clearly blocking press freedom through racial discrimination.”


A Latino reporter with The Chicago Tribune canceled a scheduled interview after Lightfoot’s announcement when her office declined to change its policy.

“Politicians don’t get to choose who covers them,” Gregory Pratt, who covers the mayor and City Hall, wrote on Twitter.

The National Association of Black Journalists applauded the mayor’s “sensitivity to the lack of diversity” among the local press corps but said it couldn’t support the tactic.

Even black reporters cannot get behind this ‘no whites allowed’ policy. That’s a huge red flag there, mayor. Just saying.