
Democrats Take Different Tone On Biden and His Fiasco with All These Migrant Kids

When Trump did it, it was a humanitarian crisis. It was fascistic. It was racist. It was cruel. The cries about kids in cages—that Obama built—echoed in the liberal media echo chamber. You could hear the ‘this isn’t who we are’ talking points being drafted by Democrats. Well, when it comes to border enforcement, it is who we are or at least it should be. Sorry, no one has a right to come here—no one. You come here legally. You do not endanger your family or kids trekking thousands of miles and risking sexual assault, death, and capture by human traffickers. Yes, some of the responsibility falls on the shoulders of these parents who think they can just walk into the United States. That’s not how this works, but Democrats are in power so there’s a mad dash. Our own Julio Rosas has been to the border and it’s been mayhem ever since Biden got into office. And yes, the camps are still there. The detention centers are overflowing. And the kids are back in cages, but it’s Biden so it’s okay. That’s what I got from this New York Times piece:

House Democrats, who led an angry charge against the Trump administration’s treatment of migrant children, have taken a much quieter tack since concerns began emerging about conditions at some of the emergency shelters set up by the Biden administration to deal with minors at the southern border.

Where once only Twitter assaults and dressing-downs at House hearings would suffice, Democratic lawmakers are voicing worries privately to administration officials and the small staff at the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees the care. If problems persist, the lawmakers say they call again.

Democrats say the contrast is for good reason: former President Donald J. Trump’s immigration policies were deliberately cruel, devised as a deterrent to would-be migrants, while the Biden administration is trying hard to deal with a bad hand.

“The difference is you have an administration who wants to solve a lot of these challenges, and their heart is in a much better place,” said Representative Joaquin Castro, Democrat of Texas.

Representative Veronica Escobar, Democrat of Texas, said she has so far been impressed with the administration officials working on the issue.

“They have a solid vision and a heart of gold, and they seem to want to do the right thing, which is different from what I experienced during the Trump administration,” Ms. Escobar said. “During the Trump administration, it was all excuses or, ‘Sorry, this is the way it is.’”

So, the closure of two facilities where illegal aliens were given unwanted hysterectomies was part of this ‘solid vision and a hear of gold’? This happened under Biden’s watch. Yes, the complaints were brought forward a year ago, but Joe didn’t do anything to stop it. Based on the Democrats’ rules, this is his fault. His administration abused these kids. This isn’t who we are (via Fox News):

The Biden administration announced … that it will no longer use two immigration detention facilities where there are ongoing investigations into accusations of misconduct and abuse – including a claim that unwanted medical procedures were carried out on migrants in one of the facilities.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said it will no longer use the C. Carlos Carreiro Immigration Detention Center in Bristol County, Massachusetts, and the Irwin County Detention Center in Ocilla, Georgia. Both were being run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The facility in Bristol County, run under an agreement with the local sheriff’s office, is "no longer operationally necessary," DHS said in a statement. The Washington Post reported that the Bristol facility is holding seven detainees, while Irwin has 114.

The Irwin facility was the subject of a whistleblower accusation last year in which it was claimed that a doctor performed unwanted hysterectomies on female inmates. There were also further allegations of unsanitary conditions at the facility. The DHS Office of Inspector General is investigating the allegations and the doctor accused has denied wrongdoing.

Meanwhile, the Post reported that the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office is under investigation after staff used pepper balls and a flash-bang against detainees who threw chairs at staff amid a dispute over COVID-19 testing and isolation.

Oh, I’m sure ICE will get pummeled again. They have been for years by the Left, but these facilities are being closed en masse. They can’t. they won’t be and the fact that the Biden administration refused photography or tours inside for the media only exposed how bad it really was inside. This was a crisis of Joe’s making. Period. But Democratic humanitarian crises are different because they’re guided by a “heart of Gold.” 

What crack are these people smoking…because to be honest—I’d like to try it.