
FL Sheriff Has Some Advice for the 'Millions' of People Moving to the State on How to Vote

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd made it clear to people who are moving from blue states to Florida to not bring their blue politics with them.

Judd made the comments at the press conference where Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed an anti-riot bill into law on Monday.

"I’ve got something I want you to see. This is what we enjoy in Florida. This is the Florida we know and love. This is what our Governor, our Speaker, our President, this is what all these law enforcement officers and administrators and sheriffs and police chiefs and their officers do every day.  They guarantee an environment where you can come here and have fun," Judd said while holding up pictures of the beach and Disney World.

"We’re a special place. And there are millions and millions of people who like to come here. And quite frankly we’d like to have them here. So we only want to share one thing as you move in, hundreds a day. Welcome to Florida, but don’t register to vote and vote the stupid way you did up north. You’ll get what they got," Judd said.

Judd also addressed critics of the anti-riot bill, who have said the new law can be abused by law enforcement to crack down on peaceful protesters and overcharge them.

“We can tell the difference and I’ll guarantee you that you’ll be able to tell the difference if you come here and riot," he said.

"In Florida, we are taking an unapologetic stand for the rule of law and public safety.  We are holding those who incite violence in our communities accountable, supporting our law enforcement officers who risk their lives every day to keep us safe and protecting Floridians from the chaos of mob violence," DeSantis said in regard to the new law. "We’re also putting an end to the bullying and intimidation tactics of the radical left by criminalizing doxing and requiring restitution for damaging memorials and monuments by rioters."