
'60 Minutes' Doubles Down on Vicious Smear of Ron DeSantis

CBS News’ “60 Minutes” is doubling down on its smear of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL), after receiving blowback from both Republicans and Democrats. The network selectively edited a clip of the governor’s response to an accusation by a reporter of engaging in a “pay to play” deal with Publix grocery stores. DeSantis’ administration and Publix partnered for vaccine distribution.

Despite the backlash from both parties, “60 Minutes” claims that the story was reported fairly.

Democrat Mayor of Palm Beach Dave Kerner corroborated DeSantis' story about a partnership with Publix, and noted that "60 Minutes" declined to include his perspective. The network claimed that DeSantis was engaging in "pay to play" on account of the company's donations to his 2018 gubernatorial campaign.

DeSantis called the network’s accusation a “baseless conspiracy theory” that would be “easily debunked."