
Media Matters Seems Was Irritated That Journalists Did Their Job by Covering Biden's Border Crisis

Alas, the liberal media actually earned a cookie. They did their job. I don’t know if it’s because this is actually a story, or if there just wasn’t anything there to manufacture a competing narrative. Can’t do much with regards to running interference when all you have to fight with is duct tape and chewing gum. So, the Big Three—ABC, CBS, and NBC—all reported on the border crisis that’s engulfing the Biden White House. Media Matters seemed annoyed that the liberal media establishment was calling the crisis at the border…a crisis. 

Our own Julio has been there and reported on the overcrowding and overall mayhem that has engulfed the border, its detention centers, and the authorities trying to keep order. Katie went there a few years ago and actually took pictures of the cages that liberal America thinks Trump built. It was really Obama who built them. The camps over over-capacity. The migrants are infected with COVID and being released into border towns. It’s a mess—but don’t call it a crisis. That’s what honest people do—and Media Matters hasn’t had a modicum of that since its inception. 

You can’t polish a turd. This is a crisis and Facebook ads aren’t going to stem the flow of migrants. On the foreign policy stage, Biden has failed his first big test when his team got rolled by China. On the domestic front, the immigration crisis is another area where he’s failing. And with him being pinched on both fronts, President Depends decides to call a lid. Kamala Harris is running the show, isn’t she? She’s the only one with the stamina it would seem.  

H/T Twitchy