
Cancel Culture Sets Its Sights on Trump Impeachment Attorney

Attorney David Schoen, who represented Trump during the former president's second impeachment trial, may have won his case before the Senate this month, but the long-practicing civil rights attorney says he's become the latest victim of cancel culture. 

The Alabama lawyer has reportedly lost his teaching gig at a law school and has been unsubscribed from an important email list among prominent attorneys in his field. Schoen said both losses were important elements of his life.

Schoen told Newsmax in a recent interview that he had accepted an offer to teach a civil rights class to students at a law school. But after successfully defending Trump at the Senate impeachment trial, Schoen says the offer to teach law students no longer stands. 

"When this came up, I contacted the school to ask whether this would be an impediment, and I was told 'yes, it would be. That some faculty and students would feel uncomfortable to have me on campus if I were getting involved with this case,'" said Schoen. 

The attorney did not identify the specific law school that rescinded the offer. 

"I thought it was a sad commentary, quite frankly," Schoen said. "But I also wouldn't want students to be uncomfortable." 

Schoen blamed his losses on cancel culture, noting the concept of liberalism has become more intolerant in recent years. 

"You know, liberalism used to favor the marketplace of ideas," Schoen recalled. "They would want to hear all sides of the story. Everyone has something to bring to the table. Not anymore."

In an interview with the Associated Press, South Dakota GOP Sen. John Thune accused Republicans of being hypocrites for engaging in "cancel culture" tactics against GOP lawmakers who backed the latest impeachment effort. But there seems to be a pretty clear difference between canceling someone professionally, like David Schoen, and rebuking elected representatives who disregard their constituents.