
Media Give Cruz's Cancun Trip Far Greater Attention Than Cuomo's Nursing Home Scandal

Sen. Ted Cruz’s Cancun trip was “politically stupid” amid extreme weather and an energy crisis in his state, but in no way is it a scandal or anywhere close to the one New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is embroiled in, and yet, the media are treating it that way.

ABC “World News Tonight” gave Cruz’s Cancun trip four times more coverage Thursday than Cuomo’s nursing home scandal despite revelations this week that the Democrat is under a federal investigation and was called out for bullying a fellow Democrat and threatening to “destroy” him.

NBC covered the two politicians similarly. 

"World News Tonight" dedicated nearly four minutes to the GOP senator's round trip snafu and just 55 seconds to the Democrat's growing legal controversy. 

NBC's "Nightly News" similarly gave Cruz more coverage during its broadcast than Cuomo, devoting two minutes and eight seconds to the senator and one minute and 41 seconds to the governor. (Fox News)

CBS was the exception, however.

CBS' "Evening News" was the only network evening news program to dedicate more time to the nursing home scandal, giving it nearly two minutes as opposed to the one minute and seven seconds it devoted to the Cancun episode. (Fox News)

The trend continued on Twitter. 

As many on the right observed, it was definitely not good optics and Cruz should've known better, but it is not a scandal.